Monday, November 29, 2010

how issues are the same thing in the book as the real world

     Many books have an issue and so does the real world. A lot of people say that most can connect to us and the books for a reason. Many people say that life isn't fair and so does books too. That's because they are not handling it like for example say someone was reading a book right? But they can't read it, because it has strong language or bad influence. What I'm saying is that most people can't handle there problems and so does people in a book. I'm reading a book called "Exit here". Basiclly it's a boy who has problems like drinking or using drugs, but he can't stop. Now he has a problem to solve.
     If I'm correct then you must have problems too. I have a problem, playing video games, but will it stop me now? No, but when I'm older yes. Most people can't solve their problems and are trying to find out what can stop it before it leads them to danger. Books can be the same as us people, but we can't be as them. They can be like us when they have problems, girlfriend and boyfriend issue and etc. We can't do there stuff, because it might lead us all to danger and most people like to copy other people, but remember......
   copying other people will lead you to nowhere and danger

Monday, November 15, 2010

exit here and us

          Mostly us people have trouble with our problems, because what i am reading now is call exit now. This book is basiclly about Travis who has alot of problems than his friend Kyle who has way more drug problems than Travis. Travis problems are that he likes drinking which he cant stop, drugs and hooking up. Travis wanted to stop but cant. We all have a problem that we can not stop, but some people say that it can kill you inside. It's like you really want to stop it but it stops you from doing it. It's call addicting which most people have like using drugs, or playing too much video games, and drinking. It's not okay to become addicted to something, because it can ruin you.
           Well you're probably wondering am i addicted to something? well yes i am addicted to watching t.v. too much and playing video games. I really like it, but most people say it's not good. Well i kinda agree with it, but i dont think i can stop. It's not a diesase, but most people have this. Some people can stop some can't. Like smoking. Why do you think people try to quit smoking? Because they are addicted to it and can't stop. Same thing with drinking too. And as i said, it's not a diesase.