Monday, November 15, 2010

exit here and us

          Mostly us people have trouble with our problems, because what i am reading now is call exit now. This book is basiclly about Travis who has alot of problems than his friend Kyle who has way more drug problems than Travis. Travis problems are that he likes drinking which he cant stop, drugs and hooking up. Travis wanted to stop but cant. We all have a problem that we can not stop, but some people say that it can kill you inside. It's like you really want to stop it but it stops you from doing it. It's call addicting which most people have like using drugs, or playing too much video games, and drinking. It's not okay to become addicted to something, because it can ruin you.
           Well you're probably wondering am i addicted to something? well yes i am addicted to watching t.v. too much and playing video games. I really like it, but most people say it's not good. Well i kinda agree with it, but i dont think i can stop. It's not a diesase, but most people have this. Some people can stop some can't. Like smoking. Why do you think people try to quit smoking? Because they are addicted to it and can't stop. Same thing with drinking too. And as i said, it's not a diesase.


  1. i liked how you related Travis' problem to how you have an addiction to TV. The big difference is that your addiction can be controlled while his is harder to control.

  2. I like how you related Travis's addiction with other addictions in the world

  3. Paolo,

    Great job making text-self connections!

  4. nice job paulo. i want you to try to take this one step further. How did the addiction end up for the character? Do you think there are negative consequences for any addiction, whether life threatening or not? When should someone seek help?
