Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Struts & Frets

    I have been reading this book call Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron and its a really good book. But when i continue to read the book i realize that the author was like the guy in the book. He mustve love music soo much that he created the book to describe himself. What does it feel like to like music and fail on every subject? I think it feels horrible to be that kind of person. I think i dont want that personlality to be with me. Its too bad for you.

    Also when i read this book, the person in the book also has a mystery for his song. He can't remember it. Most people forget their things like for example, i forgot my phone in my locker, but im sure it's safe. Why do people do this? Do they do this on purpose for an excuse? Thats all i want to know. some people say its a excuse but i dont take it. The authors life reminds me of my life when i forget somethings. The authoer did not want to show his life, but wanted to show his personality and his feelings.

    I think i can connect to the author, because when he was a kid, he had many problems and so did i. I get now, i just realize that your just one person with one or two personalities and no one can change it, because you just got to accept  who you are no matter what people tell you if youre dumb or smart. I just have to accept that for now, but when i grow older my ways of life will change and i have to accept it too. That's what people were trying to tell me. You just got to face your way of life no matter what people say, because it doesn't matter what people think. You're you and people see it, but can't change it. Thats the real message.

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