Wednesday, October 27, 2010

social actions

            Friends, familys, neighbors, there have been trouble across the whole country and they need our help. We may be poor or rich but it doesnt matter; We have other people that are the same too. This reminds me when Haiti had there earthquake in january and now they lost there homes, jobs, and a couple of there family members. We helped Haiti with there problems and i think its time to help more people than just Haiti. We may or may not care for other people, but we have to help them. Knowledge and thinking helps us with problems.
            Maybe someday when we have destructions the other people willcome and help us too. Its important to help people, because then someday we can get help too its like if you need help doing homework or need help in a subject and people will help you. Many people dont get help from other people, because they are too lazy or they just dont care. In the song World of Fire the artist told me and inspired me when she actually made a song about helping the poor and how we can help them. Even if it takes a week, help is on the way.
           We all know that some people care about the poor. World of Fire was made for people to see what it feels like to be that poorish way. The artist knew that Haiti had an earthquake so she made a song to tell people and show people the poor. Well i think we should all just get along and do whats right for the world even if we dont care.


  1. Paulo it's really nice that you can make this connection and actually have the courage to tell the people what to do. Most people don't knwo how

  2. I like how you talked about things in real life and related it to the lyrics.

  3. Paolo,

    I'm really glad the song, World on Fire, inspired you!

  4. I really liked that you not only did you connected to the world but explain that people should help everyone in need not just Haiti
