Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chew on This

    Fast foods, original foods, any kind of food well there's a problem. Im reading this book called Chew on This by Eric Schlosser and what its basiclly about is the real meaning about fast foods and other foods. What does the real meaning mean? Does it show the reader full proof about it? Whats the real idea to the idea of fast foods? What it tells me is some full proof. When most people go to fast food restaurants they dont know what they are doing. They will end up fat, get diabetes, get lung cancer, etc. I recommend this social fast food book to those who love fast foods and goes to the restaurants everyday.

    Lets start unpacking some ideas about this book. These fast foods can affect your heatlh and your body. There is a film called Super Size Me which was the same thing as Chew on This except the film shows more on your body and health effects. As i was watching the film i said hey this is a good example to show people to not eat fast food 24/7. AS i was reading the book, i looked at a couple of main facts and ideas to know how is this killing people and will it affect  your life forever? McDonalds is the biggest fast food chain in America so basiclly they end up with alot of money than other companies such as Hershey, Resses, Sour Patch etc.

    If you ate fast food alot and want to learn how to stop then this is the time for you to watch the film or read the book. This book really got me thinking and intrested into fats food vs people. I think the real meaning is that never eat fast food 24/7 or you will end up fat or in the hospital. Just eat once or twice a month. Most people want to go on diet but still keep eating fast food. Start eating healthy food like chicken, fresh meat from cow or whatever. Fast food will never help you no matter what!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Be More Chill

    I'm basiclly reading this book called Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini and what appears to be is a senior boy who hates his life being a dork. If you were like this then i recommend you read this book, because as i read on, i started to feel how people were treated as dorks or nerds in school. When the author was writing this, he didnt write the book, because of what he saw, he wrote the book because it happened to him when he was in high school. Also when i continue to read is that what does it feel to become a biggest dork in the whole school. Is it ok?

    When you read this book you might also think the same thing too. For prove i was reading this poem called Please dont take my air jordans away and when i read it, i said hey this is just like the book Be More Chill. The message im trying to find out is that No matter what people tell you of your life, you just got to accept the truth of who you are. It doesnt matter wht people tell you of your personality. Most people are jsut them, but someday there life is gonna change and most people will respect that.

      That might be the real message the author was trying to tell, and i saw it with my very own eyes. Jeremy can be the biggest dork in school, but as he continues to grow up then his whole life will change and wont be a dork anymore. Most people will accept that and cant change it back. Would you want your life to change or not? Think about it and when your done then you'll see that you can change anytime anywhere..... sometimes

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Struts & Frets

    I have been reading this book call Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron and its a really good book. But when i continue to read the book i realize that the author was like the guy in the book. He mustve love music soo much that he created the book to describe himself. What does it feel like to like music and fail on every subject? I think it feels horrible to be that kind of person. I think i dont want that personlality to be with me. Its too bad for you.

    Also when i read this book, the person in the book also has a mystery for his song. He can't remember it. Most people forget their things like for example, i forgot my phone in my locker, but im sure it's safe. Why do people do this? Do they do this on purpose for an excuse? Thats all i want to know. some people say its a excuse but i dont take it. The authors life reminds me of my life when i forget somethings. The authoer did not want to show his life, but wanted to show his personality and his feelings.

    I think i can connect to the author, because when he was a kid, he had many problems and so did i. I get now, i just realize that your just one person with one or two personalities and no one can change it, because you just got to accept  who you are no matter what people tell you if youre dumb or smart. I just have to accept that for now, but when i grow older my ways of life will change and i have to accept it too. That's what people were trying to tell me. You just got to face your way of life no matter what people say, because it doesn't matter what people think. You're you and people see it, but can't change it. Thats the real message.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

why i care about freedom

       Freedom may be more than just a word. You see i'm making a picture book for childrens call superheros vs zombies and the meaning of the story is "Freedom is worth fighting for". Most people don't even care about freedom, some do, but will that change your mind about how freedom is or isn't important to you? Are there certain things we should know about freedom? Some people say yes, because it's more than just a word and some people say no, because it's only a word. You have to make a desicion about your opinion and your meaning to freedom. If you read my book then you might understand.

        In my picture book i decided to put freedom to teach little kids, but i still wonder... what's its real meaning? i dont know yet, but when i do then i could tell the childrens so they will understand. In order to care about freedom you really need to know not to understand it, but to love it. People love freedom, but they change their mind when freedom is in their lifes. Freedom changed people lifes back then. It made them a success, maybe not. Do you like freedom? Do you care about freedom? I think you should change your mind. You decide, but right now you should think fast.

        I get it now. Freedom is more than just a word and it's a method that all of us can use. It doesn't matter if it controls us, but it will change our lifes and make us better people. We will know more about it and will love it too, maybe not. Freedom is in the world and can't be washed away by nobody.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What is freedom?

       I have been doing a picture book for little kids showing what freedom is. When i continue writing the book, i said hey what does freedom really mean? I want to know more and focus on it just alittle bit about the true meaning about freedom. This word sounds so powerful that it changed people's lifes. Is it a word? A meaning to people? When someone says "I'm free" does it mean that it's just one thing or two? Most people can't answer this question, but you decide the answer to see what freedom means to you like my picture book. Freedom can't be used for something like power. "I stand there waiting for the words and went it comes to me, it releases me as i heared those 4 words, "I'll give you freedom".

       In my picture book, I'm writing about a fiction story with a non-fiction word. Kids may understand it or not, but it's important to show or describe freedom so when the kids grow up they will know the true meaning. Basically my telling to those kids is "freedom is worth fighting for". My story is just about a superhero who fights zombies and tries to give people freedom. I mean imagine you could go back in to time and see what freedom was in the old times and how it affected many people like slaves, but do you think it sounds like a dangerous word? I mean it sounds like a powerful word, but most people can't handle it. Look what people accomplished, look what freedom did to us.

        I think the word freedom is a powerful changing word. I think it will help us someday. Freedom is a word that someone will give you when you deserve it like a present. It can't be destroyed by other humans, but we can use it. Free is just one thing, but the next thing you know is that it's a life changer. It means that when someone uses it, use it carefully and wisely or else you can't get it back. I might have a different "in my own words", but when you think of it, you might think it the wrong way or not. Freedom is not a play thing, but when it gets serious, i'll know its action. Just imagine, will you want freedom and get serious with it?

Monday, November 29, 2010

how issues are the same thing in the book as the real world

     Many books have an issue and so does the real world. A lot of people say that most can connect to us and the books for a reason. Many people say that life isn't fair and so does books too. That's because they are not handling it like for example say someone was reading a book right? But they can't read it, because it has strong language or bad influence. What I'm saying is that most people can't handle there problems and so does people in a book. I'm reading a book called "Exit here". Basiclly it's a boy who has problems like drinking or using drugs, but he can't stop. Now he has a problem to solve.
     If I'm correct then you must have problems too. I have a problem, playing video games, but will it stop me now? No, but when I'm older yes. Most people can't solve their problems and are trying to find out what can stop it before it leads them to danger. Books can be the same as us people, but we can't be as them. They can be like us when they have problems, girlfriend and boyfriend issue and etc. We can't do there stuff, because it might lead us all to danger and most people like to copy other people, but remember......
   copying other people will lead you to nowhere and danger

Monday, November 15, 2010

exit here and us

          Mostly us people have trouble with our problems, because what i am reading now is call exit now. This book is basiclly about Travis who has alot of problems than his friend Kyle who has way more drug problems than Travis. Travis problems are that he likes drinking which he cant stop, drugs and hooking up. Travis wanted to stop but cant. We all have a problem that we can not stop, but some people say that it can kill you inside. It's like you really want to stop it but it stops you from doing it. It's call addicting which most people have like using drugs, or playing too much video games, and drinking. It's not okay to become addicted to something, because it can ruin you.
           Well you're probably wondering am i addicted to something? well yes i am addicted to watching t.v. too much and playing video games. I really like it, but most people say it's not good. Well i kinda agree with it, but i dont think i can stop. It's not a diesase, but most people have this. Some people can stop some can't. Like smoking. Why do you think people try to quit smoking? Because they are addicted to it and can't stop. Same thing with drinking too. And as i said, it's not a diesase.